CHÔRA Design is a strategic innovation firm based in the Netherlands specialising in the design and management of Portfolios of Options for social transformation, system renewal and competitive edge, with a particular focus on the intersection of climate change & the social contract.

Our approach is one of co-design, curiosity, and exploration. Together, we challenge and evolve language, capabilities, and mindsets.

We are a first-mover. For the past 15 years we have helped public and private organisations and ecosystems of actors embed new capabilities and structures that change how they lead, invest, manage risk and innovate in the face of systemic social, technological and environmental change. Most notably:

  • Strengthening the long-term strategy and innovation activities in Australia's largest financial services companies to ensure enduring value creation for shareholders, employees and community stakeholders.

  • Bringing anticipatory and foresight capability to a leading UK Investment Group to generate insights, signals and disruptive patterns to stretch the strategic vision, identify areas for business model innovation and shape their 10-year strategic plan.

  • Embedding systemic design and adaptive learning in the UN Development Program by setting up a Global Strategic Innovation Unit to accelerate development impact through multi-level governance, SDG integration, and public-private-community partnerships for action.

  • Embedding R&D and anticipatory policy capability in Governments to address structural barriers to socio-economic development (Canada, Malawi, Ghana, Indonesia).

Looking forward, CHÔRA Design is turning its attention to establishing social innovation platforms through networks of public-private-philanthropic partnerships. Get in touch to connect with us.

About CHÔRA Space

CHÔRA Design and CHÔRA Foundation work together to build CHÔRA Strategic Innovation Space to enable complex social systems with transformational intents take decisions about themselves.